Service: Ronald McDonald House (RMH)

Familiar Faces + One New + One Unexpected Our 11/8 meal at the Ronald McDonald House (FATC sponsors 4x year) went smoothly despite the complete renovation of the kitchen that was just completed.  Maybe management had taken notes on Mike Bisaga’s suggestions as curiously almost everything he had complained (mildly) … Read More

Service: Call to Arms (on Veteran’s Day)

Each time the “Call to Arms” goes out in our fellowship it never ceases to amaze me the generosity and volunteerism of our members. One of our long-time members Bruce Morton has been struggling with multiple myeloma, a bone marrow cancer, for several years now.  Bruce asked if the FATC … Read More

Service: Ronald McDonald House

On Feb. 6 Steve Baker, Tony Kalinowski, Roy Stueber, Paul Schneider, Connor Peters & Matt McClure converged at the Park Avenue Ronald McDonald House to serve a meal to the Residents whom have sick children at the area Children’s Hospitals and enjoy an evening of fellowship.  A scrumptious meal consisting … Read More