FATC Appears in National Publication

Several of the FATC brothers appeared in Boy’s Life Magazine this month.  Boy’s Life is a monthly magazine that is sent to all registered Scouts and Scout leaders in the US.  It has a circulation of over 1M copies Our fellowship helps out every year with the Greater St Louis … Read More

Service: FATC Helps with BSA Conservation Night

Mike Bisaga and Mike Chambers helped out fellow FATC member Michael Brand with the BSA Conservation Night.  This was a night during a week long Boy Scout STEM camp at Beaumont Scout Reservation, that was dedicated to teaching the boys about conservation related subjects. In all, about 10 different conservation … Read More

Service: FATC helps with Scouts CAI Leader Training

Three FATC brothers helped train a group of Scout leaders this weekend.  Mike Bisaga, Jim Craig and Dave Beerbower taught the fly fishing portion of the BSA Certified Angling Instructor course.  This three day long course teaches adult Scout leaders about fishing and fly fishing to prepare them to be … Read More