Trips: Mano a Mano

Graduation day for Derrik Kassebaum was this past Friday ( December 10th) and amazingly no one signed up for the trip. Come on guys it is catch and release season and it will only be around for just two more months. Anyway, I had him all to myself (Kenny). Why … Read More

Trips: Two Days of Awesomeness

Your FATC had the opportunity to fish two days in a row. Well, at least some of us did! On Sunday, December 7, 2021, Don (or Rob or Chili) Williams was set for his graduation from the Fall 2021 fly fishing class. Don lives in Illinois and had a pretty … Read More

Trips: What rain?

This FATC trip had an 80% chance of rain. Not sure what that means. I think it means that “sometime” during the day there will be an 80% chance that it might rain sometime during the day. Ok, that makes sense. Well, we had an 80% chance of rain on … Read More