Event/Trips: R=6+1 ** Altar Retreat

Our FATC attended our third Altar retreat in Wisconsin last week. It was an eye opening, spiritual event that many FATC were deeply affected by. The retreat included fly fishing in one of the most famous fly-fishing areas in the United States – the Driftless area of Wisconsin. Our home … Read More

Trips: Cicada Madness

Missouri is part of an historic cicada emergence going on this month (May 2024), in which two major broods numbering more than a trillion bugs are involved. I, Al Harper, had some success with fish feeding on cicadas that I thought I’d share in this trip report.  Not since 1803 have … Read More

Trips: Guided on the Meramec

Guided Trip to the Meramac River April 10, 2024  Vestiges of winter were still around. Most of the trees had not fully burst out their leaves. The understory held glades of bluebells that were very pleasing to the eye. The bright purple redbud blooms stood out almost as much as … Read More