Super Bowl Fishing – Sunburn in February

Scott Dougherty and Glenn Haake took advantage of the predicted warm day in February on Sunday, opting to miss the Super Bowl, spending some quality fishing time at Montauk.   The weather did not disappoint, the day started off cool in the mid 30s but heated up quickly.   By 11:30 we decided to take an early lunch and shed some layers.   By midafternoon, it was 72 degrees with a gentle breeze.    What a beautiful day!   As the weather warmed up, so did the number of people fishing in the park.   It was a fairly crowded day.   Now on to the fishing…..

The day started off pretty well with Glenn getting two by the spring using pink San Juan worm.  It then slowed a bit and become hit or miss.  The miss part was because Glenn was really rusty and failed to get several into the net that he should have.   The moral of the story is, get out there and fish!   The morning session was all about pink and white, with success on the San Juan, the Big Hurt, and a white Wooly Bugger.   This was confirmed right after lunch when we spoke to a young lady, who was an avid fly fisherwoman, who indicated her only success was on white and pink.

The afternoon was all about the brown Wooly Bugger and Soft Hackles.    Scott and Glenn had several in the net.    All in all, it was an awesome day.

After the horn, on the way back to the car, we were talking to a gentleman who was fishing near us.   He showed us a picture of a fish he caught earlier in the day, which was his personal best and would not fit in his net.   We’re guessing it was 20-22 inches.   I asked him what he caught in on, and he sheepishly said he was embarrassed to say because his son makes fun of him for using it.   When I coaxed it out of him, he said “The Big Hurt”!    I told him we’re all friends here, and there is no reason to be embarrassed.   It works when nothing else does.

We tried to stop at Missouri Pizza on the way home, but found they are closed on Sunday, so we headed home and arrived during the first quarter of the game.

Next Up – The Kenny Klimes’ birthday tournament.


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