Service: You Guys Are Awesome!!

Whenever the call goes out to serve our local community you guys are always quick to respond. This time our call wasto help a small church in University City, St Louis, MO. They needed some man power since this small church has mostly women and children as attendees.  The tiny garage that is attached to their church was loaded with stuff that they had to get to the junk yard. We had ten volunteers and had to turn back several more – we appreciate everyone who wanted to be part of this work day.  We loaded their truck in minimum time, sweep the garage clean and then followed the truck to the dump site. Hard hats and vests went on (they were mandatory) and the unloading began. Afterwards, several of us continued the fellowship at McDonalds as the stories flowed and the laughter was contagious.

The Christian Fellowship Baptist church and their pastor Harry Walls truly appreciated all of our help today. And we are all invited to join them in their service on Sunday mornings. I am so proud of this fellowship! You guys are the best. Thank YOU!!


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