Service: What’s Outdoors!!

The What’s Outdoors event took place this past Saturday, June 9th at the ball fields next to St Lucas UCC in Sunset Hills – and our FATC was there to serve.  But first, I have to give special KUDOS to our own Bill Lowry and his committee for putting on this special day for the kids in the St Louis area.  A lot of work was done by the volunteers from St Lucas UCC and other organizations. There were over 25 event booths from the wildlife bird sanctuary (they brought bald eagles), bicycle safety course, knot tying, fishing pond, face painting, fire department, astronomy, turkey calling, child ID protection, and many more.

I also want to thank all of our guys that volunteered part of their Saturday to come out and serve our community (Tim Welsh, Barry Dunnegan, Larry Farrar, Bill Byington, Carl Cowles, Scott Dougherty, Craig Dull, Miles Meyer, and Al Angiocchi).  Also thanks to our afternoon crew that never got the opportunity to serve due to the rain.  Yes, unfortunately the rain came hard around 10:30 am and then even HARDER after that.  Our FATC did help kids with casting for “felt” fish, fishing in the bluegill pond, and tying knots.  The kids, of course, were braver than the adults as the rain came down they didn’t give up on the day. You could tell from their faces that the kids were having a blast catching real fish and the “felt” fish.  Then the rain came down, harder and harder and harder!  The FATC guys hid under their tent to stay dry (they didn’t) and to hold it down from blowing away.  As Kenny told everyone, ” I don’t think the heavy stuffs going to come down for quite awhile”.  The rain came down both vertical and horizontal but it didn’t ‘dampen’ the spirits of the FATC guys.  This is what I love about this fellowship of men – despite the rain and being totally soaked, we laughed and got to know each other better. And that’s what we are all about!  There will be more chances for volunteerism this summer – look for Ronald McDonald house, RankenJordan Pediatric Bridge hospital, and more service events.   You make me proud to be a FATC – Kenny Klimes, Chairman

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