Service: Ronald McDonald House August 6th, 2024

This evening went about as smooth as any we’ve done over the last three years except for the fact that I left the 2 dozen eggs needed on my kitchen counter. When I noticed and knowing we had to have them Vernon Preston volunteered to run to the nearest store to get some. He returned seconds later as one of the house volunteers gave him enough that were left from a recent previous meal. Everything else went like clockwork. We have a usual group that always thankfully shows up and we had a great evening getting back together. Mike Bisaga came extra early even beating me there and had water starting to boil for the potatoes along with s going through all the cupboards and drawers to prepare for what we’ll need. Every cabinet and drawer is marked but you can image that with all the different people using the kitchen what is needed is scattered in varying places. Besides the eggs I bought real garlic cloves instead of a jar already diced which made extra work for Mike but I don’t think it would be normal if he didn’t have something to complain about me messing up. Ken Welter also showed up extra early and he has been a huge help each and every time I’ve lead and I’m so happy that he has volunteered to take over leadership of this FATC event starting in 2025. He made the meatloaf again under Mike’s tutelage and it may have been the best batch we’ve had. The guest families raved about it and all us FATC guys kinda enjoyed it too. Vernon came for the second time in a row and since he did such a fine job last time baking the chocolate cookies I was wise enough to have him do them again. Little did I know he would become like a mother hen watching her eggs as he chastised the members for sampling some of the cookies hot out of the oven which has always been a tradition. He eventually hid them on a platter under an apron but despite his worries there were plenty for everyone. I even saw him passing them out to people going through the line on paper towels so they didn’t have to place them on their plates with their food.

The two newbies this prep were Clint Marshall and Bob Born. Both are brand new to FATC and expressed excitement about taking the fall class with Kenny. I restrained myself from saying disparaging things about my good friend as their upcoming teacher in jest as neither has been around me enough to know how much I really admire and respect him. As every other first time participant they jumped in and peeling the 25 lbs. of potatoes and helped with various other chores all evening as they got to meet and know the other members working side by side mixing, serving and cleaning.

Besides Mike and Ken Harold Bates and Steve Baker have been helping at almost every meal prep and they both add so much to the evening with great attitudes, stories and really just knowing what is needed and how to do it. This quartet has made my job easier over the last three years but more importantly made a lot of strangers have at least a little respite from the struggles they are going through with most of them far from their homes. All of you should be proud of this organization that does so much good in so many different ways. We’ll be doing this again in November so some of you should join if you can.

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