Service: Ronald McDonald House

The Flyfishers at the Crossing served at the Ronald McDonald house in St. Louis ( this past Thursday. Six members cooked food and served the families at the Ronald McDonald house that had children in Cardinal Glennon children’s hospital. Ronald McDonald house provide a home environment to keep families with sick children together and near the care and resources they need for free.  The FATC purchased and volunteered to cook dinner for these families.  Matt McClure was lead on this project along with Jim Craig, Mike Oldani, Connor Peters, John Walker and Kenny Klimes volunteering to help prepare the evening meal for the Ronald McDonald families.  The FATC provided grilled chicken breasts, hamburgers, hot dogs, salad and more. The families are very grateful for this service as it allows them to be with their children full time without having to worry about when and where meals will come from.

The FATC Board of Directors will review this project and there is a very good chance that the FATC will participate in supporting the Ronald McDonald house in the future.  The FATC hopes that everyone will grab the opportunity to serve this mission in the coming year.

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