Service: Ranken-Jordan Safety Pin Flies

I have to say, as your Chairman, I am so proud of this fellowship!! This past Wednesday, June 12th, four of FATC members headed off to Ranken-Jordan Pediatric Bridge hospital to tie some wild safety pin flies for the kids that are patients there  I even got words that some of the staff and nurses “ordered” a few also  Steve Baker was our project lead for this service event and here is his trip report with some awesome pictures  AWESOME guys and great job!!

4 Volunteers Bill Byington, Bill Lowry, Vince Stanley and Steve Baker from FATC got together with Janine Roe at Ranken-Jordan Bridge Hospital to make safety pin flies. We were able to work one on one with the kids as they picked out there own colors and flash and some even got involved in the tying process. It was a thrill to watch the kids faces as their flies took shape. Some of the camp counselors and aids even got in line to have a turn at creating a fly. It was very rewarding to be a part of this event and I’m looking forward to doing more with the FATC group.  We might even get in some fishing.

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