Service: “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother”

He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother!  One of the main tenets of our fellowship is brotherhood and you all prove that over and over again.  One of our long-time members, Jim Davis, needed help with a little yard work. Jim, who is almost 81 years old, asked if some FATC guys could help him with a yard work since his knees are in such bad shape. A “call to arms” was sent out for volunteers to help and within ten minutes we had more than enough. All I have to say is you guys are AWESOME!

John Muckerman, Bob Trigg (and his son, Liam), John Palmer, Brian Yost and Kenny Klimes spent just a little over an hour working in Jim’s yard this past Labor Day. They trimmed bushes and trees, raked leaves, pulled weeds and bagged ‘em all up. Jim and Jan Davis rewarded the guys with some pretty awesome donuts afterward.

A big thank you goes to our volunteers and also to all those that were ready and able to serve. This fellowship is the best. Our members live by our three tenets: brotherhood, community service and charity!

One Response

  • Liam and I really enjoyed helping out. What Kenny forgot to mention is that he was kind enought to stick around and give my son some expert fly casting lessons for a half hour after the work was done. So Cool! Thanks Kenny!


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