Service: Big Showing on Bonhomme Creek

Our first fall Stream Team event took place on Sat October 2nd. We had 14 FATC brothers(one of our largest turnouts to date) attend, including several new Stream Teamers. The group was able to split into two groups and were easily able to cover both of our Bonhomme Creek locations in just a few hours.  The on and off rain throughout the day did not affect our ability to complete our monitoring activities. Although, very limited rain over the previous several weeks, made for extremely low water flows. Even with the very low water, teams were able to complete all their biological and chemical monitoring. The quantities of insects found were a bit down from previous visits, we still found plenty to prove that our stream is still healthy.

Although numbers were down on some of the insects, we did have several nets with more scuds than we could count.

If you have not attended a Stream Team event, plan to get in on one of the upcoming events. These are a great way to learn about our streams and will help you in your fly fishing. 

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