Service: Altar Fly Fishing, Pastors and Rest!

Recently the Flyfishers at the Crossing Board of Directors sent a donation to Altar Fly Fishing to help them fund their Soul of a Pastor Retreat. Our donation helped pastors refresh and renew their lives. Because pastors give so much for others, Altar Fly Fishing hopes to fund pastors so they may attend retreats and provide for them transformational coaching after the fly fishing trips. Our fellowship is planning on supporting the Pastor Retreat in November 2021 here in Missouri. We’ll be asking you to volunteer to help us put on an awesome event for the pastors in the Midwest.

Soul of a Pastor Retreat Recap. Here is a recap from Eric Camfield, the founder and chairman of Altar Fly Fishing:

We had a great time on the Kootenai River investing into the lives and souls of a group of pastors from around the country. Did you know that pastors are among those struggling most in their profession? Pace of life, stress, emotional taxation, and burnout are all too common these days. Altar desires to change these trends by funding pastors to discover soul care that will impact not just their life, but their families and congregations as well. Invest in a pastor and you multiply impact.

Highlights from our trip included: rising fish from morning till night, space for reflection and connection with God, sunrise devotions, sessions designed to help pastors assess life and ministry, and creating personal plans to live into healthy rhythms for future flourishing in life and ministry.

One pastor shared, “I was at a crossroads in ministry and not sure what to do. During the Altar Retreat, God revealed the pathway forward. Not sure I would have heard this if I had not had the opportunity to be away and make space to listen.”

Thank you pastors for joining us. Altar looks forward to hosting multiple Pastor Retreats next year with the support of those who love their pastors.

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