Raise the Roof Project – 3,2,1 – Blast Off!!

Our Raise the Roof Project is now underway!!  Our first work day was basement cleanup. Twelve FATC members were able to volunteer on this Saturday to get the ball rolling. What a dirty job but the guys did GREAT.  The church’s basement has never been this clean before! BUT, we have many hours of work ahead of us.  We will be asking for volunteers, materials, funding from individuals and companies.  We hope that you will be able to lend a hand in whatever way you can.  We are setting up accounts for help with donations now.  We’ll be asking for your help to pass this on to friends and family. But, hang on for now as we get all set up.

A big thank you for an awesome job today to Jim Craig, Mike Oldani, Miles Meyer, Bill Lowry, Sterling Short, Dave Inman, Tony Kalinowski, Vernon Preston, Steve Baker, John Muckerman, Matt McClure, Corey Simmons (from CFBC) and Kenny Klimes.  Of course, most of the guys had a chance to break bread together at a tiny grill near the church.

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