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Our Fly Fishing Trips

The FATC takes many fly fishing trips in Missouri and throughout the U.S. each year. Our fishing trips in Missouri  include the Current river, Meramec river, North Fork of the White river, Little Piney, Lake Taneycomo and more. We regularly fish all of the State trout parks in Missouri too. Our out of State trips have included Yellowstone, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, Virginia and more. Here are reports from our most recent trips. All trips are open to all fellowship members. To see all past trips use the search bar and check this page. Interested in attending a trip? Check the FATC calendar for upcoming trips and contact the trip organizer.

Trips: A friend of a friend knows a guy who knows a guy…

A friend of a friend knows a guy who knows a guyThat’s how a November fall trip to the Spring River started out for AL Harper, Russ Wagoner andDanStag. Fishing the Spring River just across the Mo border in Mammoth Springs, Arkansas is an undiscovered gemwithin easy distance to FATC members. … Read More…

Trips: Two Day C&R

It was supposed to be a graduation trip, but our “graduate” got sick so “it happens.”  Five of us (Kenny Klimes, Bob Hassett, Steve Baker, Vernon Preston, and Don Varner) made the trip to Montauk on Friday anyway. It was Opening Day for catch and release (C&R) season and the … Read More…

Trips: Cleveland for Steelhead??

Cleveland for Steelhead from Lou Forbringer: Wait, what?!?  Yep, that’s right.  I went to Cleveland to do some steelhead fishing.  On November 1 & 2, I reconnected with my good friend, Chris Bamford, who I haven’t seen in far too long and we went steelhead fishing for two days.  Chris, … Read More…

Trips: Let’s Spread Out

So, what do you do when eleven FATC members want to join in fellowship and fishing AND the trout parks are closed? You SPREAD OUT – that is what you do. So as Steve Baker set up a trip to fish the Current River the following members, Jim Craig, Will … Read More…