Our Fly Fishing Trips
The FATC takes many fly fishing trips in Missouri and throughout the U.S. each year. Our fishing trips in Missouri include the Current river, Meramec river, North Fork of the White river, Little Piney, Lake Taneycomo and more. We regularly fish all of the State trout parks in Missouri too. Our out of State trips have included Yellowstone, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, Virginia and more. Here are reports from our most recent trips. All trips are open to all fellowship members. To see all past trips use the search bar and check this page. Interested in attending a trip? Check the FATC calendar for upcoming trips and contact the trip organizer.
Trips/Events: CITR? What’s that?
Here is both a trip report and an event that many of you can get involved in. Sterling Short participated recently and sends us this special report. Our member, Dave Beerbower, will participate this coming week too. Are you searching for something to fill that “empty hole in your heart”. … Read More…
Trips: Yellowstone: Where are the small fish?
September 5, 2023Trips,Western Statesdry fly,Gallatin river,Madison River,Montana,Yellowstone,Yellowstone River
July 15-22, 2023 (and 2021) Brothers –My (Sterling Short) first trip to Montana and Yellowstone Park was in 2021. David Riddiford, aWestminster College fraternity brother, asked me to join him. David has been fishing Yellowstone for10+ years – escaping the Arizona heat. He’s like having a local take me to … Read More…
Trips: Another Day in Paradise
It was a beautiful day to be at the river in the wake of last week’s heat wave. The forecast was right on the money. Steve Darr, Bob Palisch, Vernon Preston, Harold Bates and me, Jim Craig, were eager to enjoy some fishing and camaraderie. We were pleased to see only … Read More…
Trips: Nights in The Rockies?
Hi Guys! I wanted to report-in on a terrific week of fishing Jason and I had this past week…It even had some “firsts!” I’ll give a daily synopsis, and follow-up with some Lessons Learned. On Sunday (last week), we met up with Nick and Bailey (friends of Jason and I) … Read More…