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Our Fly Fishing Trips

The FATC takes many fly fishing trips in Missouri and throughout the U.S. each year. Our fishing trips in Missouri  include the Current river, Meramec river, North Fork of the White river, Little Piney, Lake Taneycomo and more. We regularly fish all of the State trout parks in Missouri too. Our out of State trips have included Yellowstone, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, Virginia and more. Here are reports from our most recent trips. All trips are open to all fellowship members. To see all past trips use the search bar and check this page. Interested in attending a trip? Check the FATC calendar for upcoming trips and contact the trip organizer.

Trips: Don’t these people have jobs?

This November, the FATC will be hosting a pastors retreat put on by Altar Fly Fishing(  To help in our planning, we needed to make a trip down and check out cooking and meeting facilities that will be used for the retreat.  Since we were going to Montauk, we had … Read More…


9/29/2023 Apparently, I’m not the only one that gets the urge to fish and makes it happen all in a few days.  I posted the trip on Monday and by Friday I had nine guys ready to join me on the trip.  Jim Craig, Jim Franke, and Scott Payne would meet at … Read More…

Trips: Current River Browns

9/27/23 In addition to trout fishing and a lodge serving pretty good food, Montauk State Park also has a campground with 135 campsites with electric hookups and 35 tent camping spaces as well.  And more sites are being built. There’s plenty of room.  The park encompasses almost 3000 acres.  I, Al Harper, recently … Read More…

Trips: Bucket List – Black Canyon of the Gunnison

Black Canyon of the Gunnison. When Someone Mentions “Bucket-List” you better say“Yes”. Submitted by Jim Craig What happens when a friend calls and says, “I got this bucket-list trip I want to talk to youabout”? Well, if that friend is Charlie Trankler, you better sit up and pay attention. Charlie … Read More…