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Our Fly Fishing Trips

The FATC takes many fly fishing trips in Missouri and throughout the U.S. each year. Our fishing trips in Missouri  include the Current river, Meramec river, North Fork of the White river, Little Piney, Lake Taneycomo and more. We regularly fish all of the State trout parks in Missouri too. Our out of State trips have included Yellowstone, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, Virginia and more. Here are reports from our most recent trips. All trips are open to all fellowship members. To see all past trips use the search bar and check this page. Interested in attending a trip? Check the FATC calendar for upcoming trips and contact the trip organizer.

Trips: Dam that Taneycomo!

It was a wet and wild weekend in Branson!  From the 80s to the 20s and sunshine to rain it had it all. But can I say BROWNTOWN! Woah, there was some serious action on the water! Every year about this time my wife and I spend a weekend in … Read More…

Trips: Colorado Audible

Before the trip you could almost hear Matt McClure barking out, “Omaha, Omaha”. No, we weren’t going to Omaha to fish but like Payton Manning, Matt was calling an audible on our trip to Colorado.  We were originally going to the South Platte River area but due to exceptionally low … Read More…

Trips: Time for a Trip to Bennett Spring

10/25/2023 Wanting to get one more trip in before the regular trout season was over, I posted on the Team up calendar and it was not long before others joined in.  My thinking was that with the kids back in school and it being the middle of the week, the park … Read More…

Trips: Floating the Drought-Stricken Niangua River

In many respects, fly fishing in Missouri this year has been a story of the lack of rainfall in the second half of this year.  While spring rains came pretty much as they usually do, for weeks on end during the summer and on into fall precipitation has been sorely lacking … Read More…