Our Fly Fishing Trips
The FATC takes many fly fishing trips in Missouri and throughout the U.S. each year. Our fishing trips in Missouri include the Current river, Meramec river, North Fork of the White river, Little Piney, Lake Taneycomo and more. We regularly fish all of the State trout parks in Missouri too. Our out of State trips have included Yellowstone, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Alaska, Virginia and more. Here are reports from our most recent trips. All trips are open to all fellowship members. To see all past trips use the search bar and check this page. Interested in attending a trip? Check the FATC calendar for upcoming trips and contact the trip organizer.
Trips: Northern Lights Panfish
This is Al Harper wondering: “Do fish react to an Aurora Borealis event as they do to various phases of the moon?” Many old-time fisherman I’ve met or fished with would keep a careful watch on the moon phases and some would swear they had first-hand knowledge of a cause-and-result link between … Read More…
Trips: You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down
The trip that almost wasn’t. But we did it! Thursday, May 9th was our second run at it. JimTurner was ready, but rain and the resulting high flow rates at Montauk threatened to force asecond cancellation of Jim’s graduation trip. Rains at the end of April forced cancellation of hisfirst … Read More…
Trips: High, Murky, Fast – Bam – Two More Grads
Well, the trip for two of our grads, Dan Moloney and Brad Brewer, was on a hold until 5:00 am on the day of trip. Rain was in the forecast and the rivers were already swollen to the banks. Charlie Trankler who joined us from Texas was at Montauk State … Read More…
Trips: Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad!
So what do you do when you have that one ticket left at the FATC charity dinner? I really want that Renzetti travel vise, but all that bourbon would be nice too. New reel, new rod, flies tied by Kenny. How about a guided fly fishing trip, that sounds like … Read More…