Our fly tying championship is complete and now it is time for YOU to VOTE for your favorite fly. Check out the flies and their names below and put your vote in for your favorite fly. Contest closes on March 20th
There are several ways to vote and we will count them all (being from Chicago it’s vote more than once if you can get away with it).
- Vote by giving us your favorite fly at the end of this post in the comment section.
- Vote on facebook in the comment section
- Vote by email by sending us your choice to ourfatc@gmail.com
- Vote by replying to the email that was sent out to you entitled “Vote NOW – Fly Tying Championship”
Select each fly for review and see their names!
We will count up all the votes and the winner of the FATC Fly Tying Championship will receive a tool holder for his vise and a fly box with 12 professionally tied flies. The runner-up will receive a tool holder for his vise.
So let’s hear from you – which fly is your favorite!! VOTE and vote often
I really think the Angola Leva could be the hottest fly introduced in 2019. I suspect Umpqua will want to add this to their lineup. Therefore I vote for “Angola Leva”
Great job fly tyers! All are worthy of a vote. I would be thrilled to carry anyone of these flies in my fly box.
I’m thinking the one that looks the most fishy to me is….. THE PROFULATOR FLY gets my vote!
I’ll put an order in for each fly with the funds going to a charity. Whatcha think FATC board? Just sayin.?
Not sure is a fish would be interested, but the Loco Lobo is pretty to my eye. Good imaginative use of a nice feather.
I vote for the “T-MC Geraldine fly.” She looks like she is dressed for a party, a trout party that is.
Loco Lobo gets my vote for prettiest. Following Chicago voting instructions: Also rans – Depending on time of year the Garbage Bag or the London Fog gets my votes if i were a trout.
I vote for the profulator fly
T-MC Geraldine
The Loco Lobo looks creative! It’s got my vote! See everybody at the film festival on Monday in warmer weather.
The T-MC Geraldine. Gets Flip Wilson’s vote
T-MC Geraldine. Gets boy friend Killer’s vote.
T-MC Geraldine. “The devil made me do it”
T-MC Geraldine. “When you are hot, you’re hot!”
T-MC Geraldine. OH, HONEY!
T-MC Geraldine. “When you’re hot you’re hot!”
T-MC Geraldine. “When you’re not you’re not.”
T-MC Geraldine.
T-MC Geraldine as per Flip
T-MC Geraldine as per Killer.
T-MC Geraldine as per Sheila.
T-MC Geraldine gets my vote.
T-MC Geraldine, March 23 and still voting.