Event: Ronald McDonald House – Always a Success

Our third meal prep of the year this last Tuesday, August 9th was the best one yet.  Back in February I asked our resident chef Mike Bisaga for some help giving some ideas for dinners.  He gave me 5 or 6 and I picked Cowboy Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Hot Rolls and freshly baked CC Cookies.  We got so many compliments the first time telling us how delicious it was and also such a welcome change from the many pasta and taco meals they received.  They did add they were grateful for all and any meals provided. I decided why change ours since they would only get this dinner 4 times a year and each time we get more compliments and more participants eating dinner as soon as the meal is prepared.  For those who don’t know many members of the families staying at the houses spend all day and some evenings with their loved ones in the hospital and come back to the house at late hours.  But I think the message of our meal is catching on as there were many families back and eating at 6:00.  Back in May we were able to make up 20 individual meals for the latecomers after serving but only had enough leftovers for 7 such meals this time. 

 Mike is such a fabulous cook and has tweaked the food order to now I know just the right ingredients and amounts to have ready.  This time I took detailed notes on his procedure and steps so we can manage if he can’t make it although he really seems to get great enjoyment leading each one of the different merry bands that come to work together.  The crew this time had some of our best FATC leaders involved:  Harold Bates has been such a big help at all three so far this year and was Mike special Sous-Chef and I’m sure to count on him if he has to take the lead.  Jeff Rabe has helped on all the RMH projects this year and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know him.  This time he walked in first his assignment was cookie baking and he made 72 almost perfect cookies but some misshaped ones had to be sampled hot out of the oven by all the participants.  Harold hasn’t heard the end of his botched gravy making the first time so I reluctantly let rookie Jim Craig take a stab at it since he was the last to arrive but I didn’t give him a detention as he was coming all the way from Illinois in rush hour traffic.  And the gravy turned out great and he made extra which was all used by the end of the night.  Steve Baker, Dave Rodecamp and Bob Palisch rounded out the group and were the main potato peelers(20 lbs.) and then helpers with the meal prep.  Mike had casually mentioned last time that bacon would really add more to the taste on top of the cooked onions he uses with the green beans so it was added to the shopping list and the 14 lbs.of beans were gone by the end of the evening. 

We were so efficient getting the meal ready by 6:00 we even had most of the pots and pans cleaned and put up by the time we all sat down to eat together.  After a scrumptious meal and pleasant conversation with each other and some of the house dwellers we pitched in and cleaned up.  I even overheard some fishing stories.  Go figure.  All the men got to meet one of my special favorites at the West county House -Layla and her father Ricardo.  They have been there for almost 8 months with Layla facing another surgery next week.  She is so delightful to be around and I personally look forward to seeing her smiling face every time I’m there.  We all left together full of food and knowledge of doing a good deed with other men of our group.  Come and join one of our future meals.  No special skills are needed. We always have a good and rewarding evening.  Paul Jacoby

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