Event: Half Time Book Study – Success!

Our second Half Time book study is over and what a successful event. Our first study (Fall 2021) we had 28 men complete, and this study we had around 34 men finish. That is over 60 men meeting in fellowship for a full seven weeks to learn how to move from success to significance! The reviews are in and our leader, John Muckerman, hit it out of the park.

John, with his gift of hospitality, cooked a fellowship meal EVERY class for the guys prior to our study in fellowship. As you can see from the pictures our final class/meal was an impressive Cajun shrimp boil. John is an outstanding “teacher,” and I am positive we will see another book study in the Fall of 2023. (Hint: we are actually working on that right now!)

Many of our guys who attended have already started on their path for purpose, impact, and growth. The second half of our life can be better than our first. John led us in our quest for a new vision for the rest of our lives. For the men who completed our study I say, “keep the process going, do not give up on listening for that voice to lead you.”

If you missed this study do not pass up the next. If you were not sure about going, then talk to someone who did and get their impression of the study. See you for the next one?

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