They Aren’t Beginners Anymore
Their fly-tying odyssey began Tuesday night, December 3, 2024, at the CPC Commons in
Chesterfield. Ten beginner FATC fly tiers were joined, one-on-one, by ten experienced FATC fly
tiers, plus three more who were ready to pinch hit when needed. FATC provided all the tying
materials and the experienced guys provided their tying vice and other tools.
Jim and Kenny lead the class. Our goal was to teach thirteen foundational fly-tying skills our
beginners would need as they journeyed forward in this hobby. Our beginners learned these
skills as Jim and Kenny lead a step-by-step demonstration for three of the most popular flies in
our area. The beginners tied along with Jim and Kenny. At each step, their experienced
mentor, sitting by their side, coached and clarified for them, as needed. When we were done,
each beginner had tied their own crackleback, woolly bugger, and zebra midge.
We also discussed:
Variations on each fly we tied,
How to organize your fly-tying materials,
What tools to buy and where to buy them,
Where to learn more about the aquatic insects we were mimicking with our flies (the
FATC Website).
Where to learn more about fly tying on your own (the FATC website).
We want to give a big shout out of appreciation to the thirteen experienced FATC fly tyers who
provided the tools, time and coaching. Without them, this evening would not have been
John Steuterman
Alan Hautly
Mike Bisaga
Steve Darr
Al Blair
Dave Rodecap
Steve Baker
Don Varner
Joe Vigor
Bill Byington
Alex Vigor
Bill Grelle
Dave Komor
So, what comes next, you ask? Everyone is welcome to join us for our next fly-tying session.
Beginners and the mildly curious are welcome. There will be enough experienced guys to get
you started. It will be 7 PM, December 17th at CPC – Commons, 14885 Clayton Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. We will be tying the soft hackle. See your recent FATC emails for an
announcement with details for this event.