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Fly Tying

For many fly fishers, tying a fly and then catching a fish with it is an awesome feeling or better yet, targeting a specific fish and getting it to take the fly that you tied. The FATC feels that learning to tie flies not only increases our fly fishing knowledge but offers a great way to enjoy our sport. We hope that the fly tying videos on this page give you the means and the knowledge to tie some awesome flies.

So many of the new guys ask before their first trip, what kinds of flies they should buy before we go. As I teach in class, I believe you should always buy flies specifically for the place you are going to fish. In other words, don’t but the 100 flies for $50 package you see in some sporting goods stores. You would probably never use 80% of the flies that are in the package deal. So with that said what flies do we use the most in our Missouri waters. Here is a list of flies that I like and use most here in Missouri. This is not an all inclusive list, but it will get you started (these are not in any special order)!

  • Woolly Buggers – Olive and Black (sometimes White)- sizes 8 – 14 (Bead head or wired hook)
  • Soft Hackle – Dark and light Color (there are many variations/colors of soft hackles) – sizes 18, 16, 14
  • Cracklebacks – olive and dark – sizes 16,14 (a green Holographic that does well!)
  • Scuds – Tan and gray, orange (to represent dead ones) – sizes 18, 16, 14
  • Griffith’s Gnat – Black w/grizzley hackle – sizes 20-16
  • San Juan Worm – red, brown, “cerise”, and shammy materiel – sizes 10-16
  • Elk Hare Caddis – tan  – sizes 18,16
  • Prince nymph – sizes 18, 16, 14 – bead head
  • Copper John – copper, red and blue (yes, Blue) sizes 12-18
  • Midge pupa – black, burgundy, red, primrose and pearl – sizes 20, 18, 16 – bead head
  • Caddis Larva – all types in tan and kelly green – sizes 18, 16, 14
  • Stimulators – yellow and green – sizes 14 and 12
  • Mayfly drys – different styles (make sure you have small Trico and BWO) – sizes 12 through 20
  • X-Caddis – represents an emerging Caddis adult- looks like a elk hair caddis but with out the “hackle” tied around the body

If any of you have a favorite fly for Missouri that is not on this list please let us know.