FATC "Fly Shop"
Like any good fly shop that is filled with fisherman and their stories, here you will find tidbits of information related to our wonderful sport of Fly Fishing. Come here to find information that you may not find elsewhere.
Although, unlike most fly shop “tales”, this is all true…
Fly Shop Special Event – Blaine Chocklett
February 24, 2019FlyShop(Tips)
This past weekend (Feb 22-23) top fly tier and guide, Blaine Chocklett, was in town for a fly tying class and seminar at Feathercraft fly shop. Blaine is a guide in Virginia and fishes all of the waters in that region. Kenny Klimes and Ron “the Berwyn Bear” Fiala signed … Read More…
Fly Shop: I’m NOT Catching – Why??
February 10, 2019FlyShop(Tips)
So why do we have bad days of “catching” when others on the same waters, on the same day and even using some of the same flies are catching two, three times as many fish? I’ll try to go over some ideas for you to think about that will make … Read More…
Fly Shop: Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda….I have been Shooting Myself in the Foot!
February 7, 2019FlyShop(Tips)
After a recent fly-fishing trip one of our guys came up to me with concerns of his last outing on the water. He was trying to figure out why he had a poor day on the water catching and others were doing much better. Like all of us should do, … Read More…
Fly Shop: Rock Treads – Get ‘Em
January 14, 2019FlyShop(Tips)
I met the Rock Treads guys about three years ago at the ICAST convention in Orlando. It is the biggest fishing show in the U.S. and only for companies, salesmen and purchasers. I was there as a Compass 360 rep (another one of our FATC sponsors). As I walked around … Read More…
Fly Shop: My Finger Tips are Freezing!!
December 31, 2018FlyShop(Tips)
It’s winter time in Missouri and probably the best time to fly fish for trout here in our state. But, many do not venture out because of the cold. One of the biggest complaints I hear is that my hands and finger tips come close to getting frost bite when … Read More…