Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Wilson Creek in North Carolina

Gary Elliott and Jim Franke came to visit me, Dave Beerbower, for some relaxation in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. Of course that included some fishing while the ladies went shopping. We decided to hit Wilson Creek Wilderness Area. This is one of the prettiest rivers in the east. … Read More…

Trips: Kayaking the Meramec

Matt McClure and David Maloney put together a Kayak trip. Could there be more? Here’s Matt’s report: David Maloney and I headed down to the Meramec River this past Sunday to kayak and fish from the highway 8 bridge to Scott’s Ford (9 miles).  We knew the weather could be … Read More…

Trips: Trout, Grads and Spuds!

Trout, Grads and Spuds!   Ten FATC fly fishers fished the Current river this past Friday to help graduate two new fly fishers into the fellowship. Matt Crismor and Jake Bopp completed heir graduation from the spring 2019 fly fishing class with flying colors!  Bill Lowry, Miles Meyer, Don Varner, … Read More…

Trips: The Miracle Mile

Member Tim Graham fished the famous Miracle Mile this past week. Here is his report – Thanks Tim! I fished the N. Platte River in central Wyoming this week with my friend and neighbor Rich Stover.  We arrived Monday and fished Freemont Canyon on day one for 3-4 hours and … Read More…