Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Doubleheader – Two Days – Four Grads!!

Now that Missouri is “opening up” during this COVID19 pandemic the FATC has “opened up” fishing trips again.  Unfortunately, this pandemic caused us to cancel five graduation trips in April, but we are now getting back on track. Since baseball still is not happening, we decided to do our own … Read More…

Trips: “Sometimes you just gotta go”

I put the word out for a trip to Montauk with a cautious eye on the weather and especially the water levels . Jim Craig, Vernon Preston and John Muckerman were all feeling the same way. We finally committed to go Tuesday evening Steve Baker and Vernon Preston rode together … Read More…

Trip: Somewhere over “Hundreds” of Rainbows

On Tuesday, May 19th, Kenny Klimes and the Professor (Terry Seaton) left West County for a 2-day fishing trip on the White River, near Cotter, AR. Although we planned to fish somewhere along the way, heavy recent rains created swollen rivers that weren’t too friendly for fishing. We arrived in … Read More…

Trips: Check Six!!

Here is a report from our brother fellowship in Colorado – FITR (pronouned Fighter since Greg is an ex-fighter pilot) which stands for Flyfishing In The Rockies). Greg, as many of you know, is a Captain for Southwest Airlines and with the coronavirus going on is finding plenty of time … Read More…