Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Newbies and Veterans, referring to the Fish!

John Walker and I (Pete  Drochelman) went to Tan Vat on November 4 because the state parks were closed and the weather was forecast to be great. The goal was to do advanced research on fishing variables to benefit the members of FATC. As many of you know, John is … Read More…

Trips: Rain, Cold and another Graduate

The weather was forecast to be pretty “crappy” and well the forecast was correct. That forecast stopped many from fishing at Montauk this day BUT NOT US!!  Jim Petersen, Sid Aslin, Jim Craig, John Best and Kenny Klimes showed up to make sure Bob Hassett graduated on this day.  The … Read More…

Trips: Beaver Creek, Colorado

Trips: Colorado – Windy But Awesome As Always This was the fellowship’s fourth fly fishing trip to Beaver Creek, Colorado. Each year there is some surprise waiting for us whether it be snow, extreme cold, fires, wind, coronavirus, etc.  But we endure and have an awesome time fishing the rivers … Read More…

Trips: Inaugural Float Trip

Dan Staggenborg, Mike Oldani, Jason Edwards, Mike Bisaga, Scott Payne and Matt McClure recently set off for the 1st Inaugural FATC Float/Fish Trip down the Current River.  We set up camp at Pinecrest Campground where we were welcomed by the owners Ethan & Marie Tuttle.  This is a great campground located … Read More…