Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Cicada Madness

Missouri is part of an historic cicada emergence going on this month (May 2024), in which two major broods numbering more than a trillion bugs are involved. I, Al Harper, had some success with fish feeding on cicadas that I thought I’d share in this trip report.  Not since 1803 have … Read More…

Trips: Headwaters of the Missouri

Recently got back from fishing & camping along the headwaters of the Missouri River in MT.  This is where the Missouri (longest river in the US) begins.  It’s where the Jefferson, Madison & Gallatin Rivers merge to form the MO River.  Spent 4 days jet rafting back and forth a … Read More…

Trips: Northern Lights Panfish

This is Al Harper wondering:  “Do fish react to an Aurora Borealis event as they do to various phases of the moon?”  Many old-time fisherman I’ve met or fished with would keep a careful watch on the moon phases and some would swear they had first-hand knowledge of a cause-and-result link between … Read More…

Trips: You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down

The trip that almost wasn’t. But we did it! Thursday, May 9th was our second run at it. JimTurner was ready, but rain and the resulting high flow rates at Montauk threatened to force asecond cancellation of Jim’s graduation trip. Rains at the end of April forced cancellation of hisfirst … Read More…