Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: How Sweet It Is

What started off as a near-freezing morning, turned out to be a great day.  Vernon Preston and Jim Craig dropped everything and went to Montauk on April 2, 2021.  On the morning drive we closely monitored the car thermometer as it struggled to break the freezing point.  But, with little wind that morning, … Read More…

Trips: Lake Taneycomo Again – Not

Well, our second Taneycomo trip this year did not go as planned. As Robert Burns said in his poem, “the best laid plans of mice and men”.  Brian Yost, Bob Beckett, Jeff Layton, John Muckerman, and I (Kenny Klimes) knew days before of our plan to fish Taneycomo was not … Read More…

Trips: Spring River Float Trip

Spring River March 23-26, 2021A very enjoyable trip to a new location. This was planned to be an exploratory trip to the Spring river, just outside Mammoth Spring Arkansas, located just across the MO-ARK border. FATC Attendees:Dan Staggenborg, Joe Staggenborg, Alex Staggenborg,  AL Harper, Steve Baker, Scott Payne, John Muckerman, … Read More…

Trips: I’m Priddy Sure We Can Fish Taneycomo!

Well, our first Taneycomo trip of the year was, well, was not at Taneycomo. We were looking so good until the rains of two weeks ago filled Table Rock lake and caused it to rise over 3 feet.  The lake filled up and the water was dumped and dumped and … Read More…