Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: FATC Wingers

The 3rd annual three-day Wing-It trip at Montauk was a resounding success.except for the single-digit arctic temperatures, snow, ice, frostbitten fingers, crowds, terrible fishing, we tried a multitude of flies that didn’t work; Perdigons, brown & pink, size 18-22 Cerise Worm Woolly Buggers, a variety of colors, sizes 8-12 Cracklebacks, blue & … Read More…

Trips: What happens when …..

What happens when you have a Day between Christmas and New Years that is in the 60’s?  You get a large group of FATC members fishing. What happens when an ungraduated FATC member and Kenny Klimes unknowingly sign up for the same trip? You have a graduation. What happens when … Read More…

Trips: Maramec Revisited

It was time for someone to go check out Maramec Spring Park – to check outside the park and inside the park. On this cold Tuesday morning the job would be left up to us. Kenny Klimes, Sid Aslin, Bob Hassett, Tim Welsh, and Jim Franke drove in from the … Read More…

Trips: Drop and Go!

Saturday night my plans (Jim Craig) suddenly changed and left my schedule for Monday, December 20th wide open.  That’s what I call a perfect opportunity.  Fishing at Montauk on a Monday can mean having the park to yourself.  I immediately packed my fly fishing gear.  But, who could I call to join me at such … Read More…