Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Opening Day Adventure??

Opening Day Adventure 2023 Well, it wasn’t the craziest thing that I had ever done (but nothing else seems to come to mind at the moment). Getting up at 3:30 am to arrive at the 6:30 am siren for the opening day of trout season IS crazy, right? Am I … Read More…

Events: The Denver Fly Fishing Show (and Fishing)

Before I tell you all about the Denver Fly Fishing this past weekend and the great fishing we had afterwards, I want to personally thank Greg and Michelle Krochta for hosting me the past week. I have known Greg for several years (he was also a SWA pilot) He is … Read More…

Trips: Blue Ribbon Creeks

Like many FATC members, I, Al Harper, enjoy referring to informative literature published by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC).  One large foldout “roadmap” they churn out features all the trout areas MDC manages laid out in a grid with detailed maps and color coded waterways showing the Blue, Red … Read More…

Event: Jim Craig Tops the Field

Our annual Miles Meyer Fly Fishing Tournament took place on February 11th at Montauk State Park. With the tournament this year on a Saturday, we had our largest field of contestants ever – 18 FATC members. The weather was great – 45 degrees and sunny – and the contestants were … Read More…