Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Montauk Murderer Kills It

September 8, 2023 Ken Welter, Glenn Haake, Harold Bates, and Sterling Short made the usual trip to Montauk Park.  We ran into Dan Staggenborg and Steve Baker who had stayed a couple nights at Dan’s trailer, as well as Bill Grelle. Brothers everywhere! BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! We caught fish on a … Read More…

Trips: Jim Gets A Do Over!

Jim Craig set up a “Do Over” trip to Montauk since his last trip left him ‘unfulfilled’. Nine other FATC members decided to join him in his mission. Al Blair, Bob Hassett, Steve Baker, Al Harper, Bill Byington, Dan Staggenborg, Kenny Klimes, Josh Robinson, and Martin Jones accompanied Jim on … Read More…

Trips/Events: CITR? What’s that?

Here is both a trip report and an event that many of you can get involved in. Sterling Short participated recently and sends us this special report. Our member, Dave Beerbower, will participate this coming week too. Are you searching for something to fill that “empty hole in your heart”. … Read More…

Trips: Yellowstone: Where are the small fish?

July 15-22, 2023 (and 2021) Brothers –My (Sterling Short) first trip to Montana and Yellowstone Park was in 2021. David Riddiford, aWestminster College fraternity brother, asked me to join him. David has been fishing Yellowstone for10+ years – escaping the Arizona heat. He’s like having a local take me to … Read More…