Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Floating the Drought-Stricken Niangua River

In many respects, fly fishing in Missouri this year has been a story of the lack of rainfall in the second half of this year.  While spring rains came pretty much as they usually do, for weeks on end during the summer and on into fall precipitation has been sorely lacking … Read More…

Fly Shop Tips: Winter is Coming!

Grasshoppers:Unfortunately, I have never watched Game of Thrones but the line ‘Winter is Coming’ in the show fits well for these winter fly fishing tips. With the winter season approaching please don’t head out to the waters unprepared. Make sure you are ready for whatever the winter brings you when … Read More…

Trips: Don’t these people have jobs?

This November, the FATC will be hosting a pastors retreat put on by Altar Fly Fishing(https://altarflyfishing.org/).  To help in our planning, we needed to make a trip down and check out cooking and meeting facilities that will be used for the retreat.  Since we were going to Montauk, we had … Read More…


9/29/2023 Apparently, I’m not the only one that gets the urge to fish and makes it happen all in a few days.  I posted the trip on Monday and by Friday I had nine guys ready to join me on the trip.  Jim Craig, Jim Franke, and Scott Payne would meet at … Read More…