Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

The Fly Shop: Knot Wars

There are many aspects to fly fishing. Rods, reels, fly line, flies, and techniques are all “sexy” topics and get most of the press but none can be more important than the boring subject of knots. If you use the incorrect knot or tie it incorrectly, the fish is lost, … Read More…

Trips: Cardiac Attack

With the state parks closed for the next two weeks, fishing doesn’t stop.  Kenny Klimes and Lou Forbringer went to fish the Cardiac Hill area this past Friday (2/16).  Lou had never fished this area before so Kenny became his guide.  Kenny warned him that we won’t catch a lot … Read More…

Trips: The Last day

Well, it was the last day of catch and release season and soon the rivers and parks will have a few more fishermen on them. Matt McClure, Mike Bisaga, Jim Craig and Kenny Klimes, joined up with Alex Zambrano, to fish the Meramec river and Maramec Spring park one last … Read More…

New Product: C&F 201 Fly Box

New Product: I’ve been hearing a lot from our “older” guys that they are just going to tie on big flies (woolybuggers, Tiger tails, mohair leeches) because they can’t see to tie the tiny flies on their line. Or some have said it’s too cold to tie on those size … Read More…