Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Community: Stream Team New Finds

If you missed the Stream Team monitoring on April 21st 2018, you missed a good one. FATC member Mike Bisaga, Mike Chambers, Bill Lowry, Miles Meyer, and Don Varner headed out to Calvey Creek in Robertville State Park on very pleasant Saturnday morning. The guys met at our usual parking … Read More…

Trips: Bachelor Party and New Grad??

Matt McClure and Kenny Klimes promised Connor Peters a “fishing bachelor party” before he gets married in two weeks.  So, since Connor had never been to Cardiac Hill to fish they decided to take him there.  So, as their bachelor prank, they blindfolded Connor, took him to the river and … Read More…

Trips: Quik Trip – Not the Gas Station!

Dave Beerbower, Gary Elliott and Jim Franke decided on the spur of the moment to take a quick trip to Montauk State Park last Wednesday and we could not have picked a nicer day. It started out cool in the morning, but by lunch time we were fishing in our … Read More…

Trips: Meetin’s, Greetin’s ands Fishin’s

If you missed this trip then you didn’t check the FATC calendar or you don’t have the TEAMUP calendar app on your phone – oh, well.  Jim Craig, Mike Oldani, Bill Byington and Kenny Klimes headed down to Montauk to fish outside the park (rumor had it that two FATC … Read More…