Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Fly Shop – New River: Part Three

New River – Part Three – The Run   As I stated in part one, a run usually will follow a riffle area.  A run is usually deeper water than a riffle but still has a good flow to it. This is where the bigger fish will lie while waiting … Read More…

Trips: Cardiac Hill – BAM!!!

It is said that if you can catch 6-7 trout in the Cardiac Hill area you had a good day.  An excellent day would be maybe around 10. So what kind of a day is it when you push into the 30s?? Mike Oldani took a day off from his … Read More…

Trips: Denver Fellowship is Rockin’

Our Denver fellowship brothers, led by Greg Krochta, has the fly fishing world in their backyard.  Many of them are getting out even though it’s still sort of late winter up in the mountains. Here are some awesome pictures and reports from Greg.  Remmeber if any of you are in … Read More…

Trips: April Colorado Trip

Rick Doerr made a trip out to Colorado South Platte river mid-April and wanted to pass along a Big Thank You and do a little bragging.  Here’s his report and a few pictures and videos: I had the opportunity to fish the South Platte River and Pouder River about a … Read More…