Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Fly Shop: Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda….I have been Shooting Myself in the Foot!

After a recent fly-fishing trip one of our guys came up to me with concerns of his last outing on the water. He was trying to figure out why he had a poor day on the water catching and others were doing much better. Like all of us should do, … Read More…

Trips: Meramac – One Week Left

12 FATC took Monday off to fish the Meramac Spring park with one week left in the catch and release season. Even though we had many fly fishers on this trip there was plenty of room to fish. Let’s see if I can remember everyone on the trip – Jim … Read More…

Trips: They Said We Are Crazy

On Wednesday, with a wind chill of -25, people said we were crazy to go fishing two days later. Jokes on them. Forecasted to be in the low 40’s, we ended up with  high of 54.  A perfect day to be on the water. 8 FATC brothers headed out with … Read More…

Trips: Hey, The Burgers Are Done!!

Sorry for the little play on words there! But it is true, the Burgers – ok, the Bergers – are done and graduated. Ken Berger completed the FATC fly fishing class he took two years ago with his brother, Ron, by getting out on the water Friday, January 18th. Ron … Read More…