Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Thought I was Crazy….

Greg Krochta, the Denver fellowship lead, sent this trip report on his most recent “cold” trip to the waters.  The Denver fellowship is working on a new name for their fellowship. Right now they are looking at the name “Flyfishers In The Rockies” or FITR (like fighter). Looks like us … Read More…

Fly Shop Special Event – Blaine Chocklett

This past weekend (Feb 22-23) top fly tier and guide, Blaine Chocklett, was in town for a fly tying class and seminar at Feathercraft fly shop. Blaine is a guide in Virginia and fishes all of the waters in that region. Kenny Klimes and Ron “the Berwyn Bear” Fiala signed … Read More…

Trips: Checking out the Mec! Cold

A no-notice trip to check out the Meramec river happened on Wednesday, February 20th. Kenny Klimes and Jim Craig wanted to see if the Meramec is fishing better.  They fished about five hours from the bend outside the park to the old bridge crossing downstream.  From the cold temperatures and … Read More…

Fly Shop: I’m NOT Catching – Why??

So why do we have bad days of “catching” when others on the same waters, on the same day and even using some of the same flies are catching two, three times as many fish?  I’ll try to go over some ideas for you to think about that will make … Read More…