Our Trips

Here is some information about our latest trips…

Trips: Another Grad in the Win Column

Another Grad in the Win Column: Another fly-fishing trip and another graduate from the winter fly fishing class. I love getting guys on the water and watching them when they get that first trout on the fly rod. Mark Miles from the Winter class was graduating on this day and … Read More…

Trips: One Down and Nine to Go!

Trips: One Down and Nine to Go! The 2024 Winter FATC fly fishing class has completed all classes and is ready to hit the river! The first was Brain Baker, who not only had to fish on April Fool’s Day but his day on the water was threatened with storms. … Read More…

Events: Stream Team Kicks Off 2024

The first Stream Team event of the year was March 23, 2024.    FATC volunteers met at Babler State Park to do Bonhomme Creek water monitoring at two sites: outside the park (highway location) and at the Pond ball fields. FATC participants were myself (Harold Bates), Bob Hassett, Ken Welter, Chris … Read More…

Trips: Wednesday at Montauk

On Wednesday, March 27, Harold Bates, Bob Palisch, Don Varner, and Bob Hassett met at the EurekaCommuter lot for a trip to Montauk.Previously, on Monday March 25, there had been 3 inches of rain with the gage hitting 4ft. Brian Ellissent a picture of the dam and water color Tuesday … Read More…