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Community Service

Community service and charity work in the St Louis area is a main goal of the Flyfishers at the Crossing (FATC).  The FATC is a community of men that have a passion for fly fishing, but we are so much more than that! The FATC is about vital relationships with other men. Relationships that grow in trust and integrity with one another. More than being successful in life, we want to be significant in the lives of others. The FATC serves our community in anyway we can by supporting local organizations like the Scouts, St Louis Children’s hospital, Ronald McDonald House and others. Also by giving to charities such as Casting for Recovery, Project Healing Waters, Altar Fly Fishing, and the Mayfly Project.  We believe in conservation of our land, waterways and fisheries.  Most importantly, taking care of our own members and their families are high on our list. We like to follow the “I am third” principle of God first, others second and I am third. Check out the many community service events and charity work that we participate in. Come join us when we do.

Service: Virginia & Project Healing Waters Fishing Trip

Four FATC members (Kenny Klimes, Dave Beerbower, Mike Bisaga, and Dave Komor) traveled to fish with our Virginia fellowship and Project Healing Waters (PHW). Our donations from our 2017 annual charity dinner covered the cost of the weekend event for all participants.  We had the pleasure of meeting our Virginia … Read More…

Service: Supporting Project Healing Waters

Our FATC spent a day supporting Cabelas and Project Healing Waters (PHW) by tying flies and requesting donations for their cause. It was a great day tying flies with the members of the St Louis area Project Healing Team lead by Amy Milne. Our fly tying demonstration was appreciated by … Read More…

Service: Siteman Cancer Center

The FATC was asked if we would spend the day at the Siteman Cancer Center in the South county of St Louis to demonstrate fly tying to the patients that were receiving their chemo-therapy. Of course how could we even refuse an awesome invitation like that. The Cancer center was … Read More…

Service: Cub Scout Angling Day

The FATC participated in the St Louis area Cub Scout angling day. Our members helped our local Cub Scout troops with casting, knots and more. Several of our members demonstrated fly tying to the cub scouts. It was a fun day for both the scouts, their little brothers and sisters … Read More…