Charity Dinner – You guys are Awesome!

Our 10th annual FATC Charity Dinner was more than a success – it was awesome!  You guys amaze me every year but this year you blew it out of the water!  The Board of Directors were a little worried on how an auction on Zoom would go over but you guys hit a homerun.  We had just about 70 FATC members attend out Zoom Charity Dinner on Monday evening, February 22nd.

Our “dinner” started about 6:30pm with a half hour of chatting and just getting to see one another. It has been a long time for some due to the virus.  As “Master of Ceremonies” I tried to welcome each of our members both new and old.  Lots of laughs and smiling faces.  At 7pm we kicked off the auction and with many of you bringing your own libations to the Zoom dinner we had several bids go “very high”!!  From bamboo rods, sport tickets, flies, fly tying desk, books and more, you guys were so generous and ran those bids way up – our three charities will so, so appreciate it.

I am proud to say that this year we took in a record amount for our charities. The past two years we took in right around $6000 each dinner to share among the three charities. This year because of your generosity we flew past that number and brought in just over $11,000. WOW!! And even better yet, we had an anonymous donor give the Flyfishers at the Crossing $10,000 for each charity and also $10,000 for the Flyfishers at the Crossing to use for our many community services projects.  I am truly humbled with this generosity.

Next year we are hoping for better times and that we will all be able to get together in fellowship. If you won an auction item or a free giveaway and have not picked it up yet, then let us arrange a time.  Again, I am always amazed with your generosity and kindness. Our three charities Casting for Recovery (women’s breast cancer), Project Healing Waters (Retired and active-duty military with injuries/illnesses) and the Mayfly Project (mentoring to Foster children) will be blown away by our donations to them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Kenny Klimes

FATC, Chairman of the Board

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