Trips: Blue Ribbon Creeks

Like many FATC members, I, Al Harper, enjoy referring to informative literature published by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC).  One large foldout “roadmap” they churn out features all the trout areas MDC manages laid out in a grid with detailed maps and color coded waterways showing the Blue, Red … Read More

Trips: Birthday on the Little Piney

Fishing report Little Piney January 12, 2021 Weather report for my 63rd birthday was going to be in the 50s and sunny after being cold for a while so I thought I should try out the new 3 weight fly rod that my wife presented to me ( that I … Read More

Trips: The Prince of Piney??

Four FATC brothers, Sid Aslin, Steve Baker, Miles Meyer, and Bill Lowry, headed to the Little Piney Thursday to test their skills on wild trout. The weather was threatening in the morning so rain gear was donned as we headed to the water. All proved their skill by netting nice … Read More