Trips: Adapt for Success

Adapting to the Challenge Equals Success! Have you ever planned a trip down to the smallest details then someone pulls the rug out from under you?  That is nearly what happened on our trip to Lake Taneycomo (LT) last week.  A few of us had a great trip there in October.  Despite periodic … Read More

Trips: Pockets

Ken Welter and I (Glenn Haake) took a trip to Montauk Wednesday.   We pulled up to quite a few cars and were a bit worried about the crowds.    As we went up to the spring, there were very few people at the top, we pretty much had the place to … Read More

Trips: The End of July

A gaggle of FATC FlyFishers decided to celebrate the end of July with a trip to Bennett Spring Attendees: Scott Payne, Jim Craig. Vern Preston, Ken Welter, Denny Garner, Bob Hassett, Dan Staggenborg (the author). Steve Baker and Don Varner had stayed the night nearby and joined us there. A … Read More