Four members represented your fellowship at the 2019 Branson Fly Fishing Expo this past weekend (July 26th – 28th). Jim (Salt Gills) Craig, Jeff (Hoopty) Layton and Kenny (the Sensei) Klimes drove down to Branson early Friday morning in order to tie flies for the Expo during the Friday afternoon session. Terry (the Professor) Seaton joined us on Saturday to do the same. The gang had their own table and the flies they wanted to tie for the Expo picked out and the marathon began.
The Expo had fly tiers from all over the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas and of course, Missouri. Spun deer hair, Mop flies and the tiny size 20 -24 flies were tied. Plus, there were vendors there selling and promoting their “fly fishing” products. AND, they had raffles of all sorts of fly-fishing paraphernalia that had “Hoopty” looking like a little kid in the candy shop.
Jim tied some copper johns, Jeff tied olive mohair leeches, Kenny tied Barr’s emergers and Ju Ju Baetis flies while Terry tied some soft hackles. Many of the people visiting the show sat down and talked to us about our flies and our fellowship. Many contacts were made with some awesome people. We finally met up with Mike Enger, one of our members who lives down near Cotter, Arkansas. He has been trying to get us to join him for the Sow Bug Roundup and we promised him the next one we will be down his way. He offered us a place to stay and he would even show us the best fishing spots. Thanks, Mike – we will be down this coming Roundup!! Also, Paul Sheppard showed up and gave us a hard time. If you remember Paul led a fellowship in Durango, Colorado years ago but has now moved to the Branson area, And, yes, Paul is also a long time FATC member – awesome individual and works with an orphanage in Kenya.
Kenny always had to keep an eye on Jim and Jeff as every so often they would “disappear” from our fly-tying table and wander the Expo to look at the other displays. Jeff (Hoopty) had his eyes on every raffle item as he worked the system to come home with so many raffle items, we thought we were going to have to rent a U-Haul trailer. But the BIG prize, a beautiful Orvis Helios 3F rod, Orvis Hydros reel and Orvis trout fly line was just out of reach for Hoopty. The raffle ticket bucket was full, but we were all cheering for Hoopty to win that combo set (a $1200 value!!!). But he didn’t – so “No Helios for Hoopty”
The four of us fished Taneycomo on Sunday morning before heading home – trout were caught, and it put a nice ending on what was a fun and awesome weekend for all. Terry and Jenny Seaton joined the three of us on Saturday night down on the “Branson Landing” for a little moonshine (yes), Mexican food and some drinks on the patio of our condo. It was a fun night and great fellowship.
We will participate again in the Branson Expo next year so if you are a fly tier get ready and join us for the show and even some fishing!!