Forum Home Fly Tying Woolly Bugger 101

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    • #6985

      I need some basic 101 woolly bugger tying help. I know everyone has a preference on materials.

      1..Type of marabou used?

      2..Length of hook 2x,3x,4x?

      3..Type of material used for the body and size of material (chenille,yarn,etc..size,micro,small,medium,etc…)?

      4..What type of hackle used?

      5..Bead Head or Not?

      6..Lead wire used or not, what size for wire .10,.15,.20,etc…If used how many wraps??

      7..Flash or not? Type of flash?

      8..Any tips,suggestions,etc..while tying a woolly bugger?

      I appreciate everyone’s opinions and suggestions!

    • #6986

      Here’s a video by Tim Flagler tying a Wooly Bugger. I’ve tied a few of these up. Here’s the link or it’s also on the FATC website under Fly Tying.

    • #6987

      I believe that video shows one of the best ways to tie a Wolly Bugger. It is the one that uses wire to secure the hackle in place. Excellent durability on this fly.

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