Forum Home Inspiration and Leadership Maybe It’s Time to Meet The Beautiful Outlaw…

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    • #30046

      Did you hear the story about the camper who suddenly found himself too close to an angry momma bear and its cubs. The good news is he had bear spray. The bad news is that it was in his backpack.

      Where’s your “bear spray”—your relationship with God and your Biblical knowledge of his promises? Is it packed away in some faint memories from your youth?

      In Mark 8:29. Jesus asked Peter (and really all of us) one of the most important questions of all time. “But what about you? He asked. “Who do you say I am?”

      Jesus’ question cuts to the chase. It’s a “first things first” type of question.

      Have you just been “too busy” all these years to really address that question? Corrie ten Boom once said “that if the devil can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy.” There’s truth in that. Both sin and busyness have the exact same effect—they cut off your connection to God, to other people, and even to your own soul.

      Maybe you decided years ago to “give up your faith.” In our last book study on RESILIENT…We read, “giving up your faith is like finding yourself in the desert, your weary legs throbbing with pain. You can’t find your way out by cutting your legs off. God can handle your anger, disappointment, even bitterness. But walking away from Jesus is forsaking your only hope out of the heartache.”

      Please consider that maybe your view of Christ was only through the lens of organized religion. Or maybe you put the search to really know Christ “on the back burner.” Maybe you got tired of all the hypocrisy displayed by so-called Christians. Maybe God “disappointed” you and your pride was wounded or threatened.

      Pride is one of men’s greatest weaknesses because we actually think it’s strength. Bolstering in our minds our own self-reliant prowess keeps us from asking for help when in fact we desperately need it. We were never meant to walk through life alone.

      The Gospel has never been intended to save civilization from wreckage, but to save men from the wreckage of civilization.


      FATC Members, if any of this resonates with you, may I suggest our next book study?

      We will again have our annual FATC book study this September! Last year we had over 30 men attend. I hope that you will attend this 6-week, Tuesday evening, FATC book study which starts on Tuesday, September 3rd!

      We’ll be studying the book, Beautiful Outlaw, by John Eldredge. Our study will run from 7pm – 8:30pm on six consecutive Tuesdays – September 3, 10, 17, 24, and October 1, 8. Again this year, a fellowship dinner will be available from 6pm – 6:45pm and will often include wild game! The location will again be in the “Krew Room” at the Chesterfield Presbyterian Church at 15037 Clayton Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63017

      Please register for this class (if you can’t make all of them – that’s ok too) by selecting this link and sign up!

      We request that you purchase the book, Beautiful Outlaw, from Amazon or your favorite book store. It is readily available from multiple sources. Having the book will allow you to go deeper in the subject. But if you can’t, that’s ok. We will walk through the book during each class.

      This book had a major impact on my life because it helped me see the REAL Jesus through His words and the first-hand accounts of the Gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I discovered in the process how many stereotypes and misperceptions I had been living with. It drew me so much closer to the REAL Christ and what He had to say. By the way, if you enjoyed the series The Chosen, chances are you’ll enjoy this book.

      I hope you can make this study – you won’t regret it. REGISTER NOW!

    • #30047

      My book just arrived today.  I’m in!

    • #30050
      Kenny Klimes

      This book, more than any other I have read, has changed my view of Christianity and who Jesus really is. After reading Beautiful Outlaw, I basically said, “Now I can truly “hang ” with this guy – because I feel He truly understands ME!”


    • #30051

      My copy of the  Beautiful Outlaw is on its way’, looking forward to the FATC Book Discussion…..

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