Forum Home Inspiration and Leadership LIFE IS HARD…But We Can Choose Our Hard

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    • #30123

      In mid August, I posted my thoughts on the subject of, Is Anybody Teaching Your Kids To Do Hard Things? The truth of the matter is we all have to do hard things. I think that fact is important to accept — and to communicate to our kids and grandkids.

      For some men in today’s litigation-infused, politically-correct, woke, cancel culture, everything is somebody else’s fault. It seems to me that’s an unhealthy attitude. And it seems to me that to project that type of attitude to our kids and grandkids is a real disservice. What do you think?

      Here’s another attitude with which to approach life that might save ourselves some future grief. Accept the fact that we all have to do hard things. Tell yourself that — and tell your kids — but also tell them life will never be easy. It will often be hard. But we can choose our hard.

      Here are a few examples of what I mean:

      Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.

      Obesity is hard. Staying fit is hard. Choose your hard.

      Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard.

      Relationships are hard. Being lonely is hard. Choose your hard.

      Forgiving yourself is hard. Living with guilt is hard. Choose your hard.

      Owning your mistakes is hard. Never taking responsibility is hard. Choose your hard.

      Seeking help is hard. Suffering in silence is hard. Choose your hard.

      Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is hard. Keeping up a wall is hard. Choose your hard.

      Facing your fears is hard. Letting them control you is hard. Choose your hard.

      Facing the unknown is hard. Staying in your comfort zone is hard. Choose your hard.

      Being open and honest is hard. Living with secrets is hard. Choose your hard.

      Both options are hard for different reasons, it’s up to each of us to choose which one we want to work towards. Choose your hard.

      We can live by choice, not chance; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to make changes, not excuses; to excel, not just get by. We can choose self-esteem, not self-pity. We can choose to seek biblical wisdom and to listen to God’s still small voice, not to the random opinions of others.

      We are Flyfishers at the Crossing. I pray that God would help us each (and our families) recognize the crossroads in our lives. God has given us each a free will — and he allows us to choose our hard. Choose wisely!

    • #30124
      Harold Bates

      John,  what you and I covered, in Operation Timothy, Is there anything you own, you correctly answered, “I own my choices”.

      That’s really it in a nutshell, CHOOSE, it’s all you own.

    • #30155

      Great post, John.

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