Trips: Colorado – Record Cold – But WE Fished!

For the past three years we have had the privilege to stay at the Hyatt Residence Club at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek, Colorado to fish the “I-70 Corridor” of Colorado rivers.  This year Kenny Klimes, Ron Fiala, Greg Krochta, Jim Craig made the trip along with two new FATC members to this annual trip – Al Blair and Russ Bacon.  This trip fell on the last full week of October which is normally in the 40-degree temperature range.  Well, this year mother nature pulled a fast one on us and decided to cover Colorado in record snows and temperatures.  But that’s ok cause we fished anyway – Brrrrrr.

On the first day, Saturday, October 26th, Kenny, Jim, Russ and Al flew into Denver from St Louis and were picked up at the airport by Ron (who drove from Chicago) and Greg (who lives in Denver and is the Denver fellowship Lead). Greg treated us to a cookout at his house before we headed to Beaver Creek, Colorado to – as you say – set up camp. Our living accommodations were far from camping as we lived the next seven days in luxury.  We settled in and planned the next couple days of fishing as we closely watched the weather.

On Sunday we fished the Colorado river near the pump house and had a tough day overall. Several fish were caught – browns, rainbows and a few mountain whitefish. The weather turned cold quickly, and we knew we were in for a week of nasty weather.

On Monday, we traveled to the Gypsum ponds on the Eagle river. We were bundled up as the temperatures dropped. We didn’t start fishing until around noon and when the sun finally warmed up the river the trout started to rise to midges and BWOs.  It seemed the tinier the fly the better as fly sizes 18-24 did the best.  A couple big browns were caught as you can see from the pictures. The cold wreaked havoc with our fishing all day as gloves, balaclavas and wool hats were worn. But we were not giving up – because weather reports were only going to get worse. Unfortunately, Russ Bacon received some bad news from home and had to arrange to head back home right away.  Please keep Russ, his wife and family in your prayers.

On Monday night and Tuesday morning the snow fell (10 inches) so we decided to stay close to Beaver Creek to fish just in case things got worse. We fished the Eagle river again but this time near Edwards, Colorado.  The snow was deep and again the fishing was tough.  Small midge patterns brought a few fish to the net. I think our biggest worry was slipping on the boulders and falling in.  Weather turned cold fast and the prediction for Wednesday was below zero temperatures. We returned early to the lodge and hit the bar and restaurant.

Wednesday was just one of those days you cry “Uncle” and we did.  With the high temperature maybe getting to 9 degrees we stayed in the lodge – so we played some billiards after a nice lunch and then hit the outside Jacuzzis.  Below 10 degrees and in the hot tub – watching the snow making machines working overtime.  Oh, and we invited Sandra Bullock to join us.  The next day the cold weather was going to break and get UP into the 30s. Hallelujah!!  We will be ready.

Thursday, we departed early and drove near Aspen and fished the Fryingpan river. And it was BEAUTIFUL!!  We spread out with Greg and Jim heading to the famous “Toilet Bowl” and Kenny, Ron and Al fishing near the first bridge from the Ruedi Reservoir.  Greg tagged into a couple big trout in the toilet bowl and Kenny, Ron and Al had an unbelievable day catching browns with dry flies, tiny midges, and soft hackles.  This by far was the best day of the trip for catching. The browns in this river have beautiful colors because of the Mysis shrimp they eat. On the way home we ate at a brew pub we have eaten at several times during past trips and everyone bragged about their day.

Friday was going to be a fishing day where we joined up with some of the guys from the Denver fellowship.  Unfortunately, they were unable to make it, so we decided to stay close to Beaver Creek.  We thought with the warmer weather predicted and the trout rising at the Gypsum ponds on the Eagle river last Monday we may do really good there when the day “heats” up.  Well, with the Eagle river at lower than normal flows and the Wednesday super freeze, the river was frozen from around shoreline out to 15 feet. Also, large chunks of ice were flowing down stream. Kind of tough to fish this way.  Greg and Jim went for it hoping it would warm up fast and remove some of the ice while Kenny, Ron and Al searched elsewhere to fish. They headed to check out the Colorado river again.  There was very little ice on the Colorado, but the cold-water temps again made the fishing tough. Kenny caught a nice 15-inch brown on a leech pattern and that was it. So, they headed back south to find Greg and Jim.  They were still fighting the frigid waters of the Eagle river and had a few big fish to the net. Jim had a couple 18-inch browns and Greg a few 16-inch browns.  The entire gang fished the rest of the day on the Eagle until the sun set over the mountains and the temps dropped.  Back to the lodge for more – yes – you guessed it – jacuzzi time.

Saturday breakfast, a long drive to the airport and the long flight home. Normally the temps at this time of year in Colorado are not this cold. But we endured, had a blast and most importantly made some awesome new friendships and rekindled old ones. Remember when fishing for big fish sometimes small flies do the trick better than larger ones. Also, rain, sleet, snow or freezing temperatures does not stop your FATC from fishing – yeah, we’re a little crazy like that.

One Response

  • Looks like you guys had a great time and caught some very nice trout. Glad you guys had a great time! That hot tub looked awesome. I just hoped Kenny kept his hands to himself. ??

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