Event: Ranken Jordan Fishing Day

The last fishing day of the year for the kids from Ranken Jordan Therapeutic hospital was a huge success. Around eight kids came out to try their hand at fishing.  The FATC guys met at the Forest Park ponds and got the kids on fish immediately. Some of the kids were going for their personal best since the fishing was, how you say, HOT.  One boy was trying to surpass his father’s recent fishing trip where his Dad only caught three fish. We lost track as this little guy caught more than ten fighting bluegills.  Despite several kids in wheelchairs our FATC guys graciously worked within the limits of each child.  It was awesome to see Jim Craig “flinging” line, bobber and worm as hard as he could to “help” with his partners cast.

This is one of our most satisfying and humbling experiences of the year.  Many of these kids could barely hold the fishing pole but their smiles indicated to us that they were having a blast. If you have never participated in a Ranken Jordan fishing day – you must.  You will never forget it. We have already committed to helping them next year and I’m sure for years to come.  Check out the pictures! Big thanks to the following for working hard this evening with the kids: Jim Craig, Steve Baker, Vernon Preston, Mike Oldani, Rick Doerr, and Kenny Klimes.

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